Version 1.07 Update 12/20/93 In our continuing effort to provide you with the best software possible, we are providing this update to correct a few problems with your game. This "patch" will update your copy of Rules of Engagement 2 from any prior version to version 1.07. To check which version you currently own, examine the version number displayed when the main game screen (the Cetus Amicus Directory screen) first appears. To update your game, copy the files PATCH.EXE and ROE2-107.RTP to your main game directory. Then, type "PATCH ROE2-107" and press enter. After the patch has run successfully, you may delete these two files. However, you may wish to save a copy for future use should you re-install the game at a later date. You will also need to manually copy INSTALL.DAT to your game directory. This file could not be included in the patch, since different versions exist for the 3.5" and 5.25" copies of the game. The following files will be changed with this update: ROE2MAIN.EXE CAMPAIGN\ILLWIND.CMP CAMPAIGN\TOUR.CMP CAMPAIGN\BASREE.CMP CAMPAIGN\DOOMSDAY.CMP DATA\RULES2.CAP GRAPHICS\B303-01.BIT GRAPHICS\B303-03.BIT GRAPHICS\B300-00.DAT README.TXT INSTALL.DAT The following files will be added with this update: SOUND\GF1DIGI.ADV SOUND\GF1MIDI.ADV The following problems were corrected in version 1.07: o Made an adjustment to allow both Breach 2 and Breach 3 links in the same campaign. o Fixed a bug that prevented the IGS from running with Breach 3 unless Breach 2 was also present. o Fixed a bug that prevented creation of enemy fleet 4 since the file required (B303-11.DAT) was already used by other graphics. Fleets 4 and up now use B303-12 and on. o Fixed a bug that caused the animations to lock up on one more brand of video card. The following problems were corrected in version 1.06: o Fixed a bug that caused the animations to lock up on a few brands of video cards. o Fixed a bug that prevented most of the stats from registering when viewing the "Info" box for a saved game. The following problems were corrected in version 1.05: o If the Fleet Commander ejects in an escape pod and the next mission has the FW fleet carryover flag set, the fleet commander would not show up on the deployment screen list. o The times for hyperdrive delay were incorrect. o Trying to board a neutral outpost would return the message "Outpost already under FW control". o Fixed a bug (created in 1.04) that cause all waypoints created in a mission to be copies of the first waypoint X01. o Fixed a problem where the game would slow down in mission 2 of the "Tour of Duty" campaign on some systems. o Adjusted the RP values for X01 and X02 in mission 5 of "Tour of Duty" for better playability. The following problems were corrected in version 1.04: o The keyboard equivalents for the AUTO button on TACFIR and TACMAN were incorrect. o The keyboard equivalent for the HALT button on TACMAN was incorrect. o Fixed a bug where the screen would appear incorrectly on some video boards. o Fixed a bug where, on the deployment screen, right-clicking on the FW ship list would not work if the captain or waypoint assignment screens were active. The following problems were corrected in version 1.03: o Fixed a problem where if the squad leader was killed during a Breach 2 IGS link, the game could not be resumed from the previous position. It would continually say the squad leader had been killed. o Fixed a problem that would sometimes cause the chronometer to stop running. o Fixed two typos in one of the campaign terminators for "Basree Cargo" o In some situations, during a boarding sequence (non IGS), the enemy squad would surrender at the same time the Squad Leader was killed. The display would show the enemy surrendered, but then the game would end since the Fleet Commander (aka Squad Leader) was killed. o Sometimes, enemy ships that did not have missile capability would fire missiles. o FW and UDP ship captains would not always consider firing missile type 9 if available. o Fixed a problem where the game could slow down under certain circumstances. This would happen sometimes in a one of the missions in "Tour of Duty". o Fixed a problem where, under VERY rare circumstances, a saved game file could get corrupted. o Added a new feature on the deployment screen. Right-clicking on the buttons that scroll the ship list (the page-up and page-down buttons) will jump the list a page at a time. o Added support for the Advanced Gravis UltraSound card. The following problems were corrected in version 1.02: o Fixed a problem where a math error would lock up the game. Math errors are now trapped and corrected. o Page 53 of the Fleet Operations Manual was missing the description of the NAV button. This has been added to the README.TXT file. o Under certain circumstances, when ordering ships to join a battlegroup, they would head off in the wrong direction. o Added shipping/handling charge information for ordering PC Animate Plus to the README.TXT file. o Fixed a typo in the dossier for Ignatio Moreno and Sharae Quiana. o Increased the RP values for X01 in missions 3 and 6 of "Tour of Duty". They were too low to allow for transport ships. o Fixed a problem with the Fleet Commander stats that displayed twice the actual values. o When boarding outposts with the internal boarding sequence (non-IGS), if the enemy squad surrendered, a message would appear saying the Fleet Commander was killed. o For ships of very low MP's, the maximum velocity displayed on NAVHLM would show a value slightly higher than the actual maximum velocity. o Fixed a problem that would sometimes cause the chronometer to stop running. o Mission 10 in "Ill Wind" used the wrong version of the Vromus solar system. o Ships would consider resupplying at outposts that had been destroyed. o If an outpost was captured, then destroyed, the DATEVA and final mission summary would both show the outpost as still captured. o If multiple ships are ordered to pick-up a single escape pod, the list of escape pods would get scrambled. o On COMXMT, the message "Pickup rescue pod" has been changed to "Pickup escape pod". "Rescue pod" is an old term for "escape pod". A note has been added to the README.TXT file noting the "rescue pod" message on page 76 of the Fleet Operations Manual. The following problems were corrected in version 1.01: o In NAVHLM, enemy mines show up on the list of mines that can be set as targets for the navigational autopilot. o Trawling asteroid fields worked backwards. The more dense the field, the less bulk matter could be accumulated. o When Running under Windows NT, garbage would appear on the screen if the mouse pointer was moved off the bottom of the screen. o Donnigran radiation fields did not injure crew members. o Gamma and Donnigran radiation fields would not affect the crew of the flagship unless the shield system was destroyed. The crew was still being protected even if the shields were lowered. o Mission 55 of "Ill Wind" had one victory condition set to transport cargo to "Waypoint 00". o Added Breach 2 offer to the readme.txt file. o Adjusted enemy cargo values for missions 63 and 223 in the "Ill Wind" campaign. o When major damage to the Life Support system was completely repaired, crew would still die off at a very low rate.